There is a “low-oxygen swimming pool” close to the new office, after I changed the company I am working for, as mentioned before.
Nirecom も昔、水泳をガチでやっていた痕跡があり、ご覧のとおりマスターズという水泳競技でリレーに出場していたりもするのですが、
I, Nirecom used to swim hard. As you see the photo, even participated in relay at Masters, which is public swimming competition.

水泳が続けられるのは、勤務先から比較的近くにプールがある場合に限られます。今回初めて有明に通うようになったのですが、通勤ルートを確認しようと思い、事前に会社の近くまで下見に行ったところ、帰り道に ASICS Sports Complex TOKYO BAY というスポーツ施設があるのを発見。
To continue swimming there must be a swimming pool pretty close to the office. It is the first time for me to go to the office in Ariake. I coincidentally found the fitness facility, ASICS Sports Complex TOKYO BAY, during preliminary inspection of commuting path to the office.

さすがに東京湾に面した埋立地なので土地に余裕があります。ASICS の設備は、Anytime Fitness のようなマシンジムエリアの他にプールエリアがあって、オリンピック選手も練習に来る本格仕様です。
It has space enough, as you can imagine the facility on landfill. ASICS facility has not only machine training gym such as Anytime Fitness, but also swimming pool. Even Olympic athletes visit here, since the facility is professional grade.
入会金を払っていきなり利用開始できるわけではなく、必ず日時を指定して体験会に参加する必要があるようなので、まず 2月に参加してみました。
You can’t start using this just with paying initial fee. You need to attend the experience of event with specifying date/time. I experienced in February.
玄関ドアをくぐるといきなりホテルのフロントで間違えたのかと思いますが、これはホテル JAL シティ東京と併設のため。奥にいくと ASICS ロゴの入口があり
Getting into the entrance, firstly you see the front desk of the hotel. You may feel wrong building but it’s not, because the same building includes Hotel JAL City Tokyo and ASICS. Walking into the back, you will see ASICS logo:

エレベータで 3F へ。2F も 3F もすべて ASICS の設備なんですね。
And then go up to the 3rd floor. Both 2nd and 3rd are all ASICS facility.

体験会では両方含めて 2時間、設備を利用できます。
At the experience, you’ll be able to try both floor for two hours.
まずマシンジムエリアに案内されると、今の酸素濃度と合わせて 1980 m のように高度が表示されています。地上にいながらにして、2000m 付近の山にいるのと同じ酸素濃度になるというわけですね。
First you will be escorted into machine training area. There is a display the height like 1,980m with current concentration of oxygen. Even you are close to the ground, the facility simulates as if you were on the top of around 2,000m mountain.
気圧が低いわけではない (気圧を下げると体には良くないとの説明) ので、耳がツーンとするわけではありませんが、
It does not lower air pressure (“it is harmful to our body”, said the trainer). So your ears will not be ringing.
最初 15分、パルスオキシメータを使って血中酸素濃度 (SpO2) のチェックが行われます。指を挟んで測るアレですね。入室前、入室後でじっとしている状態でまず計測。さらに 10分ほどトレッドミルで歩いてみて、SpO2 値を比較します。
For the first 15min, your blood oxygen levels (SpO2) is checked with the pulse oxygen meter. You can imagine the equipment to pinch your finger. Will be checked twice while you are staying still before/after entering the room. Moreover walking on the treadmill for around 10minute, you will be compared SpO2 value again.
Benefit to use this facility is that it is more effective to take exercise within limited time, as same as you will do that on the high mountain, because of lowering blood oxygen level where the oxygen is thin.
とはいえ体質的に低酸素環境に向かない人もいて、この事前チェックで規定以上 SpO2 値が下がったり、体調が悪くなったりするようであれば、そもそも入会できなくなるようです。筋トレを普段やっている人なら有利かというと、そうでもないとのこと。
However some are constitutionally not appropriate to low-oxygen environment. If your SpO2 value is lower than threshold, or you will feel bad, you cannot join ASICS from scratch. It’s not always true that those who do muscle training hard usually is appropriate to this facility.
私の場合は、トレッドミルのビフォーアフターともに 96以上だったので問題なしです。Anytime Fitness をしのぐ勢いで腕・足・背筋などをそれぞれ鍛えるトレーニング器具がずらりと並んでいる他、50m 走ができるトラックやヨガなどができるエリアもあり広大です。
No problems for me with 96pts before/after treadmill. There is lots of machine training equipment rather than Anytime Fitness, to train arms, legs, and muscles of the back.
低酸素プールで衝撃の SpO2 値が
次にプールエリア。メインのプールは 50m あり、深さも足が届かない競技仕様。やはり酸素は高度 1900-2000m 相当の濃度に薄められています。
Secondly to pool area. Main pool is 50m, which is competition grade with the depth that you cannot stand in the middle. Oxygen level is lowered to simulate 1900-2000m high.
After the trainer checked my SpO2 with pulse oxygen meter that pinches your finger as well, he said quite naturally:
スタッフ「じゃちょっと 300m 泳いでみましょうか!」
Staff “So let’s go for a 300m swim.”
Okay, welcome to ASICS.
We can clearly understand that the facility is for serious athletes.
Nirecom「前は 1km ぐらい泳いでましたが、ブランクがあるからいけるかなー。休み休みでいいですか?」
Nirecom: “Long time ago I swam 1km, but I cannot go for it after an absence. Am I okay to take a rest in the middle?”
Staff: “Sure. If you feel risky, you are okay to stop!”
計測の都合上 300m 泳がないと返してくれそうにないので笑、ゆっくり泳ぎ始めます。あー腕まわらねぇ言いながらなんとか泳ぎました。ぜいぜい。
Seems they does not let me go until I swim 300m for the check 🙂 . I started to swim slowly. I managed to swim with complaining that arms do not move flexibly. (gasping)
パルスオキシメータは日常生活防水だそうで、プールの飛び込み台に置いてあって、多少は濡れた指で計測しても OK だそうです。結果が出て真っ青。
Staff: “So let’s check the oxygen level now.”
Pulse oxygen meter is water resist during daily life. It’s prepared by jumping stand of the pool. Even if your finger is wet to some extent, it works. I turned ashen to see its result.
Nirecom「げっ。85しかない! これ大丈夫ですかね」
本人は 300m 泳いで乳酸溜まっているという以外、目まいとか倒れそうとか自覚はないのですが、95を切ったら医師に相談するレベルです。80台は初めて見ました。
Nirecom: “Wow it’s just 85! Am I all right?”
I didn’t notice any symptoms such as dizziness, besides lactic acid is built up after swimming 300m. However the score lower than 95 means that I need to consult with doctors. It was the first time for me to see 80s.
Staff: “I need to say you managed to pass. It is all right as long as you swim at your own pace.”
I managed to pass the check, and was allowed for admission.
その後、合計 700m ぐらい泳ぎましたが、やはり全力で泳ぐと 80台に下がり、少し休むと 90後半に戻るの繰り返しなので、この低酸素プール環境ではこれが普通というか、真っ青になって医者に駆け込む状況ではなかったようです。
After that, I swim 700m as total. It was cycles of getting SpO2 80+ with swimming with maximum speed, and recovering to 95+ after taking a short break. Under this low-oxygen environment, it is quite natural, and it is not the situation to consult with a doctor as soon as possible.
なお低酸素がハードルすぎるという人には 25m のプールエリアが別にあり、そちらは酸素濃度は下げられていません。ただ 25m であれば、有明にもう 1箇所あるので、ムリにこの ASICS である必要性はないですね。
For customers who feels low-oxygen quite tough, there is another 25m pool as well. Oxygen level is not lowered at there. However 25m pool do exists in other place in Ariake, so it’s not necessary to come to ASICS.
ほかに市民プールなど公営にはないメリットとして、Apple Watch をつけて泳ぐことが禁止されていないというのがあります (スタッフに確認済)。Apple Watch のワークアウトアプリには「水泳」のモードがきちんとあり、プールの長さを 50m と正確に入力すると、腕の振りを検出してかなり正確に何m、何セット泳いだのかを表示してくれます。
As another advantage compared with other public pool, it is not banned to swim with wearing Apple Watch. (I confirmed staff.) Workout app on Apple Watch includes “Swim” mode. When we set the length of the pool precisely, it displays total length / sets accurately with detecting the motion of your arms.
In the public pool, mostly it is prohibited to put Apple Watch on because of the risk to injure others when arms are struck accidentally. But I think they reacts excessively.
なおこの体験会を受けたときは 2月で、入社 1.5ヶ月前だったのですが、入会金半額キャンペーンだったので、入会だけ済ませて、交渉して通い始めは 4月開始にしてもらいました。
When I experienced ASICS it was February, which is 1.5mon before joining to the company. But since they admits at half price during the campaign, I joined, but I negotiated that the start date to be April.
まあ週 1回、1時間で 1km ほど泳ぐのが精一杯ですが、緊急事態宣言が明けてもしばらく続けてみたいと思います。(2021年4月27日(火)~2021年5月11日(火)は緊急事態宣言を受けて臨時休館)
While all I can do is swim 1km for an hour per week, I would like to continue ASICS after the state of emergency (ASICS is out of service during Apr.27 to May.11 due to the state of emergency)
